Video Playback and Saving Changes
Esc starts or pauses video playback (toggle).
F4 backs the video up 2 seconds.
F5 advances the video 2 seconds.
Tab saves the current subcaption and then plays the next subcaption.
Shift+Tab saves the current subcaption and then plays the previous subcaption.
F8 plays/replays the current subcaption.
Edit Box Navigation
Ctrl+Down and Ctrl+Up
These keystrokes have been configured to move the cursor one word at a time either to the left or to the right.
For fast navigation to the right, hold down the Ctrl key with one hand and then quickly alternate with two fingers
between the right and the down arrow keys. To move quickly to the left, do the same but with the up and the left arrow keys.
Alt+Right Moves cursor to the end of the next word.
Alt+Left Moves cursor to the end of the next (or current) word.
Case Conversion
Alt+PageUp, Ctrl+Shift+U, and F9 convert the character to the right of the cursor to upper case.
Alt+PageDown and Ctrl+Shift+L convert the character to the right to lower case.
Alt+Shift+Page_Up converts the current word to ALL UPPERCASE.
Alt+Shift+Page_Down converts the current word to all lowercase.
Also, if you select text and use any of the above keystrokes, the case of the selected text will be toggled.
Ctrl+F9 Capitalizes the character to the right of the cursor and moves the cursor to the beginning of the next word, i.e., it makes the word Proper Case.
Ctrl+F10 Changes the first character to the right of the cursor to lower case and moves the cursor to the beginning of the next word, i.e., it converts a word from Proper Case to lower case.
Punctuation and Sentence Delimitation
Ctrl+Insert inserts a comma after the word to the left of the cursor.
Ctrl+Shift+Insert inserts a hyphen between the current word and the preceding word, removing the spaces.
Ctrl+Enter inserts a period one character to the left and makes the character to the right of the cursor upper case.
Ctrl+Shift+Enter inserts a question mark one character to the left and makes the character to the right of the cursor upper case.
Ctrl+Shift+1 inserts an exclamation point one character to the left and makes the character to the right of the cursor upper case.
Shift+Insert inserts an en-dash character.
Ctrl+Shift+D inserts a comma at the end of a preceding word, a double quote before the current word and capitalizes the first letter of the current word.
New features
Ctrl+Shift+S replaces the word to the right of the cursor with a phonetically similar version of the word.
Examples include:
their / they're / there
to / two / 2 / too
since / sense / cents
7 / seven (currently works for 0 to 20)
percent / %
More will be added over time.